The 10-Series

The 10-series is broken up into 10 sessions lasting from anywhere from an 1hr to 1.5hrs each. Each session focuses on different functional areas of the body. There are aspects in each session that challenge, coordinate and balance, and renew the body. 

The primary goal of the 10-series is to create balance and equal tone throughout body, and to learn to notice different kinds of holding patterns in the mind, breath, nervous and musculoskeletal system. People tend to have a way of holding themselves even when at ease or doing basic things like sitting, breathing, walking, and standing. There are all kinds of overcompensatory patterns that can get in the way of being able to move and perceive oneself more freely.

Fascia is a connective tissue that is used widely throughout the body to create support and protection, often thickening along lines of and patterns of stress. Rolfing method acts primarily on the fascial connections and tissue.

She was a pioneer in developing a systematic, intuitive approach for dealing with pain and dysfunction in the body. Her 10-series recipe has endured due to its insights into the ways fascia patterns our bodies in relation to environmental stresses, gravity, and aging. Structural Integration can provide a somatic framework for evaluating where you are in physically and energetically, and the relationship between the two. In Ida Rolf’s days her interest in fascia was niche, nowadays there is a widespread awareness of the fasciae system.  Rolfing can no longer exclusively claim it. There are now many fields within the heath industries recognizing fascia's physical role in the body, as well as an extension of the nervous system in its ability to communicate different  kinds of information throughout the body.

Ida Rolf

“You can’t get beyond the body unless you free the body itself” -Ida Rolf